Going beyond in art...

I remember as a kid, I used to go crazy with my creative skills developing new ideas and putting them down on paper. My mother would give me all kinds of art supplies, crayons, poster paints, markers, colored pencils, and I will draw freely whatever I wanted. I drew people, houses, landscapes, scribbles that I don't understand. My brother had taught me how to do finger painting and I would put a piece of paper on the glass door and make it feel like an easel and paint different things. I also loved doing arts and crafts, I created windmills, castles, kitchen counter, telephones, all out of recycled items. 

It all came down when I moved to Indonesia. All my creative mindmaps and trees were closed in a locked box in the back of my mind waiting to be opened. For 2 and a half years in a bad school, I had no good art teachers, there were no proper art classes, it was very difficult. That was until my mother found the best art teacher in the whole wide world in my second school in Indonesia. He immediately helped me and tried to help me get back to art and try new ideas. The missing key was found in this art classroom in this school that opened that locked box in my mind. Mr. G. taught me how to do different kinds of art, introduced me to different kinds of media such as charcoal, oil paint, ink, printmaking, etc. This classroom along with the gym and the auditorium were my favorite places to be. Every single time I needed to be in a quiet place or doing art or trying to be away from everyone, the art room was the only place you would find me. Mr. G kept his art room open to everyone and when I enter, all I smell is the smell of art materials and paper. From then on, I knew that art was my strongest passion and I knew I wanted to pursue it as a career. 

Then I moved to Germany and in FIS, I developed more and became a better artist. Ms. R, my current art teacher helps me explore more art materials and tries to help me to be open-minded. I created my biggest self-portrait and the first-ever acrylic and oil self-portrait in my lifetime. It was crazy. Every single time I try to paint a self-portrait, it never succeeded, but when I did this particular self-portrait, I was shocked to see the results. After that, I became even artistic and started trying new art materials and made myself a better artist. 

Now I want to become an artist and pursue a career as an art teacher all thanks to my mother, Mr. G., and Ms. R.


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