Making pizza

Rolling dough 

Applying oil

Put tomato sauce

Put so many vegetables,cheese and spices !
Ready to bake !

Ready to eat !!

I will eat it all !!!!

In the morning I was wondering what my mum was going to make. She told me a surprise. She said that she was going to make pizza. I was thrilled about what she told me. I got ready and I helped her to make pizza.

I needed pizza tray, dough, oil, tomato paste, cheese, pepper, red bell pepper, onion, broccoli and foil. I put the foil on the pizza tray, oil and spread it, we put dough and made it bigger , spread the tomato paste, cheese, pepper, put tomato, broccoli, onion, put it in the oven. I ate it after the pizza was ready.

The pizza was yummy. I felt excited while I ate it!!!!I wish to make it again.


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