Bollywood Dance in NJIS Talentshow

It was the moment I have been waiting for, I love dancing, it is my passion. I love dancing Bollywood, hip hop and ballet. I haven't danced for a long time. Last Friday, we had talentshow where we show all of our talents, I decided to show a Bollywood Dance. I decided to dance Ghoomar and Radha combined. I was so excited. When everybody heard that I was doing a Bollywood dance. They were so excited and they said that they will be there for the dance. I was the only one in Njis who was doing a traditional dance. All the teachers and most of my friends were waiting impatiently to see my dance. One of my friends asked me are you doing a casual Bollywood dance, I said "YESSSS!!!!!!!"

My music teacher helped me make the slides for the background. It was amazing! I danced on the same Ghoomar dance that Deepika Padukone danced on. I cropped the music to make it half Ghoomar and half Radha. The reason why I am doing Radha again is because I didn't have much time to dance the full version of Ghoomar. I love the song. It was fun to tryout new steps finally. I was so happy that I got a chance to do a solo in an event. Before, I never got enough acceptance and confidence to do it. But when I did it here, everyone cheered, applauded and whistled. After the dance. Everyone came to me and said that I was amazing, they loved it. My mum took pictures of my classmates and I together. It made me feel so happy and I thank my mum for putting me in. I practiced everyday. I was unwell the whole time but still I never gave up and rocked the stage. I can never give up my passions, art, singing, dancing, and keyboard.

After all this happened, my confidence kept rising, I felt so happy and I also feel so much acceptance and support this school gave me. I thank them, NJIS ROCKS!!!!! I am happy here in NJIS. I am so happy and excited for my future. See you in my next post!!!

If you want to see my dance, click here.


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